Sunday 8 January 2012


Kadammanitta vivekanantha balagokulam .makes good citizens knowing the culture and religeous events and relegious knowledge. vivekanantha balagokulam is functioning well during the recent months with large coordination of childrens and group of well knowledged personalities . vivekanantha balagokulam started its fuctioning since past 30 years in kadammanitta devi temple . there are about 60 students in our balagokulam about 27 balikas and 33 balas. its the blessing of loard krishna that we have a very good guide and a teacher thopil gopalakrishnan nair for the students of balagokulam he is there "swami kochatan".

He is our guide teacher father so on .and balagokulam works are progressing day by day with immence programs and other functions. with all the support of all people of kadammanitta balagokulam organised Balasangamam a gathering of about 180 students of kadammanitta .anhd we organised mathrusngamam,guru pooja ,gokula nidhi, and so on and the birth of bhagavan sreekrishna is celebrated as sreekrishna jayanthi and balagokulam also celebrates it and shobhayathra as the part of sreekrishna jayanthi is conducted on behalf of balagokulam the balagokulam is leading first in most of the social and welfare activities in kadammanitta with the support of villagers and government organisations . vivekanantha balagokulam has an efficint team of pravarthakas . our pravarthaka sanga is strong enough and the youngsters are of equal mentality so they are the backborn of the existance of many programs we have some objectives and working nature .

The main Objectives

The humanity world - over is in a threshold of crisis of explosion. The crisis is manifold; but the root cause is the crisis of culture. India, once considered as mother of all cultures, was capable to impart the art of harmonious living in a society and holding high the mantle of peace is also facing the crisis that is engulfing the rest of the world today.

The crisis of culture and crisis of character are two sides of the same coin. Because it is the society with men of character of high esteem that maintain the cultural values in that society. Since time immemorial Indian society lived a life of character by treading through a path which was shown by the teachings of great sages who had chosen the way of penances rather than selfish ends for fulfillment of their lives.

The degeneration of values have fetched in end-products of chaos, confusion, ruthless rivalry between individuals, societies, and nations based on sheer exploitation. Indians also started marrying the theory of “survival of the fittest” propagated by western minds which bring up a generation without any commitment to the nation and even to their own kith and kin. It has become very difficult to find a real torch bearer of ethics and values around us. All developmental plans and programmes of any governmental and non governmental machinery aimed at the progress of the society cannot find a fruitful end because of lack of conviction and dedication at the helm of affairs in those machineries. Any attempt oriented on stability of progress in a society will not turn to be successful unless it is well footed on refining the members of that society. Refining not on material plains alone but it should be spiritual also. A society which ignores spiritual potentialities will not be able to nurture a generation to contribute to the development of that society and humanity at large.

It is with this clear understanding, the Balagokulam is functioning. This organization is aimed at bringing up young boys and girls strictly in lines of teaching of our great forefathers. This unique organization ensures a motherly responsibility towards its members. The care and promise it gives to the young ones in its fold are aimed to inculcate a sense of belonging to their culture, tradition and the nation they live in. Balagokulam intend to open up new vistas of knowledge to the hearts of the young ones while they are free to acquire all other knowledge they can amass from their academic and social spheres. The knowledge that Balagokulam imparts to them is what was well defined by Swami Vivekananda as “manifestation of divinity in oneself.” Once that knowledge can be acquired by them, their minds will not get polluted by any other inferior knowledge and they will be able to lead a meaningful life useful to their real self, their family and the society they live in with full contentment and fulfillment of the real mission of their life

Nature of Work

The ways and means adopted by Balagokulam to inculcate this knowledge in the members are also unique by its nature. There are regular weekly get-togethers where the teacher and the students are behaving not like in the ordinary class room. Here the teacher is a Rakshadhikari who gives an impression to the students that she/he is to protect them from all the odds of life by giving basic knowledge to lead their life in right direction. The one-and-a-half hour assembly witnesses’ songs, bhajans, story telling, Geetha chanting, puzzles, learning of literary works in Malayalam and Sanskrit, presentation of individual talents, playing for physical and intellectual exercises and many other activities which provide spiritual upliftment. These regular get-togethers create bondage of love and affection among the members along with a determination to maintain purity in life. Besides the weekly get-together, there used to be mass celebrations once in a while. In such festivities, general public also get opportunity to witness the performance of Balagokulam and they also join hands with the Balagokulam members in the celebration whole-heartedly and, thereby, a transmission of ideas also takes place. “Mathru Devo Bhavah, Pithru Devo Bhavah , Acharya Devo Bhavah” are the pillar stores of the cultural edifice the Balagokulam is built on and the members of Balagokulam do not like to part with those mantras in their pursuit of life’s achievements.

The Balagokulam has put an ideal before its members. That ideal is Lord Krishna, the embodiment of love, wisdom, courage, conviction and above all, who transform weak minds to stand up and act as potential forces to eradicate all evils from the society. Balagokulam classes are conducted in front of Sreekrishna idol starting with a devotional prayer and ending with a shanti mantra ‘Sarvepi Sukhina santhu’ which means “may all be happy and comfortable”..

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